Changing Our Relationship with Nature

Harmony and Balance: Restoring Nature's Rhythms
In our efforts to restore harmony and balance with nature, we recognize the vital importance of mimicking the natural world. Just as diverse ecosystems thrive on mutual interdependence, our actions seek to foster a harmonious relationship with the environment.
Soil Health and Living Organisms: Cultivating Vital Connections
At the heart of our mission lies the understanding that soil health is intricately tied to the well-being of all living organisms. By nurturing and replenishing the soil, we lay the foundation for vibrant ecosystems where plants, animals, and microorganisms can flourish in concert.
Water as Foundation: Nurturing Life and Resilience
Water, fundamental to all life, serves as the cornerstone of our endeavors. We recognize its pivotal role in fostering resilience and sustaining diverse habitats. By restoring natural water cycles, we aim to ensure the perpetuation of life-sustaining resources for both present and future generations.
Direct Action and Education: Empowering Change
Through direct action and education, we empower individuals and communities to become stewards of the environment. By raising awareness and fostering an understanding of our interconnectedness with nature, we seek to inspire meaningful, sustainable change.
As we navigate our commitment to harmony and balance, we remain steadfast in our dedication to restoring the intricate tapestry of nature's innate wisdom and resilience.

Maria Loper is a dedicated advocate for reshaping human interactions with the environment, particularly in relation to soil, water, and nature. Her professional journey initially centered around statistics and data science, honing her analytical mindset and aptitude for solving complex problems. However, she found out her passion for sustainability transcended the corporate world.
Maria's journey into regenerative practices began as a hobby, sparking her interest in cultivating her own food. This led her down a path of exploring appropriate technology and ultimately embracing a homesteading lifestyle. Her pursuit has endowed her with an extensive and diverse knowledge base, focusing prominently on soil health, water cycle restoration, and year-round food production.
Driven by an unyielding desire to deepen her expertise, Maria sought out immersive learning opportunities. She got her permaculture design certificate and then delved into the intricate web of interactions among soil microorganisms by studying under Dr. Elaine's Soil Food Web School. Additionally, she expanded her knowledge of fungi and its ecological significance through participation in the Mycologos Fungi School. Most recently, she completed the Water Stories Advanced Core Course, studying to be a water cycle restoration professional. Maria's thirst for knowledge propels her to continuously acquire new skills and refine her pursuits.

Maria resides in Milwaukie, OR and is often accompanied by her loyal canine companion and best friend, June. Embodying the grounding qualities of her regenerative lifestyle, Maria finds harmony between her professional and personal spheres, advocating through action and education.